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Each Sunday during both the Sunday School and Worship hours you will find no less than two nursery workers ready to tend to your little ones. In addition we schedule a volunteer to assist should there be the need for extra hands. Our nursery is state of the art with everything up to the strict codes of DSS. You can be assured that our workers have had background checks and are loving and compassionate people. Feel free to pop in and check out the facility any time. The nursery is located in the education wing to the right as you enter the Greeting Room entrance. You can even peek in on your little one through the window in the Greeting Room. An usher will be happy to show you the way. 


A nursery will be provided for all other events as requested. 

Nursery Workers

Jennifer Dye

Amanda Reichelt

Jessica Stevens

Lesa White

© 2016 by Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Call us:

  • (864) 288-3951

Find us: 

  •         739 N Main St, Mauldin, SC 29662

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